Clark's Cemetery Flowers
Artificial Memorial Arrangements
Phone | (905) 376-2744
Questions About Conducting Business With a COVID-19 Breakout
Can I still purchase Memorial Arrangements?

Yes, however, our deliver/viewing of the arrangements may have to change.

If you visit our showroom you can leave with your arrangement. If you have ordered one on-line and are local we can deliver (no contact) to you or arrange for your pick-up.

If you are outside of the area we will provide pricing to ship the arrangement to you.
Note: When shipping within Canada we use the Canada Postal Services.

Any international deliveries will have to be addressed individually at the time of order.
Can I still visit the Showroom?

Yes. However, your visit must now be planned.

We can no longer allowing drop-ins to the Showroom. An appointment must be made in advance.
Please call (905) 376-2744 to arrange your time.

Due to the size of the showroom we can only allow one client (two from same dwelling) at a time.

In addition all arrangements will only be handled by Clark's personnel. This will ensure that all arrangements remain safe.
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