Clark's Cemetery Flowers
Artificial Memorial Arrangements
Phone | (905) 376-2744
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
This question is one that you should clarify with the individual cemetery. Most cemeteries recognize the benefits of a saddle. As the saddles are off of the ground it allows for the grounds keeper to easily maintain the grass. So most they will allow them on all year round or at least from November 1st to the following April 1st.

Can I keep the saddle arrangement on all year round?
This really depends on where they are placed. If located in a protected area and not open to the elements I have had customers call me two years later to say that the arrangement still looks great. We guarantee that our arrangements will last for at least one season, but many last much longer. When assembled we glue each steam and flower together individually and then glue it into the saddle one flower at at time. This helps to stop the flowers being pulled out by the wind and elements.

How long will they last?
Yes, we can. Many times our lives change and we move away from where our family members are and it makes it difficult to decorate throughout the year. Don't worry there are some options. First many cemeteries will place the arrangements for you if you ship it to their attention. Arrangements just need to be made in advance. Also if it is within our means we offer a service in which we will deliver, clean the headstone and place the arrangement for you at an additional cost. Just call us to discuss and make arrangements.

I don't live near my loved ones anymore - can you help?
I am often ask this question. When I first started buying arrangements for my family, I would see expensive arrangements at craft stores. However, I needed to buy seven and simply had to find an alternate financial solution. So I started purchasing my own saddles and silk flowers at the end of the season, when they were on sale and stored them away for the next season. I have maintained this system as I believe we should all be able to decorate and visit our loved ones regularly and I wanted to make this financially possible for all. Now many of my customers can buy one for every season and rotate them. Giving them the opportunity to switch out regularly and the arrangements last much longer. One customer review stated " I used to spend $195.00 on a fresh saddle arrangement and it died in less than two weeks because I couldn't make it up daily to water. Your arrangement looks as beautiful as the first day, even after 6 months! and cost a third the price. Thank you! ".

Why are your arrangements priced so reasonably?
Yes! Contact us and let us know what you would like, we will make every effort to meet your request. Whether it be to add some extra or different flowers to an existing arrangement online or to add some personal mementos. Like this one in which
we added some Sewing Notions .

We are here to help you honour your loved one any way we can.

Do you do custom arrangement's?
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